Customer: Jansen Recycling BV - Weert, The Netherlands
2000 engineering designs and delivers worldwide installations and machinery for the process industry. Design, construction, transport, assenbling and aftercare of installation and single machines are the main specialties.
Learn more about our projects? For information and advice please contact Edwin Alewijnse.
Customer: Jansen Recycling BV - Weert, The Netherlands
Customer: SOM Milieutechniek - Weert, The Netherlands
Customer: Kremer Zand en Grind BV - Sellingen, The Netherlands
Customer: Grond Recyclage Centrum NV (DEME) - Kallo, Belgium
Customer: Marti Technik AG - Anlagenbau Steine & Erden - Oberdorf, Switzerland
Customer: Holcim Kies und Beton AG - Zürich, Switzerland
Customer: A. van Zandwijk Recycling B.V. - Herwijnen, The Netherlands
Customer: Theo Pouw Secundaire Bouwstoffen BV - Eemshaven, The Netherlands
Customer: Sand- & Kieswerk Barlo GmbH - Rhede, Germany
Customer: Smals IKW GmbH - Itterbeck, Germany
Customer: Ch. D. Dekker - Zarretin, Germany
Customer: Ballast Nedam Specialistisch Grondverzet - The Hague, The Netherlands
Customer: Kremer Zand bv - Exloo, The Netherlands